We offer some of the best class options in the Lake Travis area.

Take advantage of the variety of classes which are included with your membership.

Class Schedule


No Classes


1. Circuit Fusion | 09:00 AM
2. HIIT Me!! | 05:30 PM


1. Yoga | 06:00 PM


1. Circuit Fusion| 09:00 AM
2. STRONG | 05:30 PM


1.ORT | 05:30 PM
2.Yoga | 06:00 PM


1. Total Burn | 09:00 AM


1. ORT | 09:00 AM


Our trainers’ support and accountability in a group fitness-style environment and watchful eyes help stretch the body and mind to achieve your fitness goals utilizing a mix of TRX, Resistance Bands, Kettlebells, Bikes, Dumbbells, and more. We’ll have you sweating and getting Lakeway’s best workout in no time.

High-Quality, Scalable Workouts



Build your strength and fitness with exercises set to get your heart rate up! This class will work on a variety of muscle groups for total body strength!

Intro to Strength Training

A beginner's class that can take your physique to the next level. We will challenge you to improve overall strength & fitness while learning proper techniques.

Obstacle Race Training (ORT)

Train with the BodyWise Bandits for upcoming obstacle races. | *$5/class


You will want to after this 60 minute full body workout that will have your muscles and heart rate pumping.

Total Burn

Cardio intervals and a strength circuit will kick your metabolism into high gear!

Slow Flow Yoga

This is a slower paced Vinyasa class with a focus on deep breath and awareness of the subtleties in each posture. There will still be plenty of challenges even in the most basic of shapes we find ourselves in through taking our time and finding proper alignment. We will find our movement and find time to slow down at the end. You will leave feeling more present, grounded, and renewed.

Vinyasa Flow

A class that will be guided by linking breath to movement. Building upon asanas to form a dance like flow. This incorporates the whole body by finding your edge between strength, endurance, and flexibility. Expect to feel rejuvenated with a new glow as we ease our minds.


Build muscle and increase your stamina with free weights, machines, and bodyweight exercises.

At BodyWise, group workouts are excellent but it's worth taking at least one personal training session.

Free Your Body

let’s get physical